2023 Broadcom Coding with Commitment – Juwell Forde-Hadley

“I found a way to incorporate coding in my project.” Juwell Forde-Hadley, from Grace Snell Middle School in Loganville, Georgia,…

2023 Broadcom Coding with Commitment – Juwell Forde-Hadley

Success Stories

Juwell’s project, The Garbage Collection, applies to several of the UN goals including #6 Clean Water and Sanitation, #11 Sustainable Cities and Communities, #14 Life Below Water, and #15 Life on Land. 

“Pollution is a big problem,” said Juwell. “We need to work together to improve how we collect and discard waste. Manual labor is the most common way, and our local sanitation workers do heavy lifting. I believe a robot can help this problem and keep our parks, highways, and beaches cleaner without the heavy lifting.”

Juwell built a robot that moves to collect trash, wirelessly controlled by an App on his phone. Scott Cummings, Senior Principal Program Manager for the Residential Broadband Group for Broadcom Inc., was one of the volunteer judges who interviewed Juwell and visited his school to bestow his prize.

The 45th Annual Gwinnett Fair featured over 600 student projects across 21 categories and is one of the largest Regional Fairs in the United States. For more information, visit https://www.gwinnettsciencefair.com/.


Raspberry Pi has free resources to help anyone learn how to code and teach basic coding.  Visit the Projects site to get started.

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