Broadcom Foundation Helps Bridge the Digital Divide and Inspires Future Innovators 

National Coding Week is more than just a celebration of programming; it is a movement toward making coding and digital…

Broadcom Foundation Helps Bridge the Digital Divide and Inspires Future Innovators 

Program Highlights

National Coding Week is more than just a celebration of programming; it is a movement toward making coding and digital literacy accessible to everyone. In today’s rapidly changing world, understanding coding is no longer just for tech enthusiasts – it is a 21st Century+ skill that girls, under-resourced, and underrepresented youth need to become digitally literate and compete for highly skilled jobs in emerging industries built on technologies of the future. 

Broadcom Foundation’s Commitment to Digital Literacy 

The Broadcom Foundation is a pioneer in promoting digital literacy. Its signature program, Broadcom Coding with Commitment®, as well as its sponsorship of Code Clubs and Coolest Projects aim to provide young people, especially those from underrepresented and under-resourced communities with the tools and opportunities to learn coding and explore STEM career pathways. 

Broadcom Coding with Commitment® is an award given at select science fairs and coding competitions, recognizing middle school youth who combine STEM learning with coding to solve a community problem they care about in their neighborhood, region, or on planet Earth that aligns with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. This award not only celebrates their achievements but also serves as a catalyst for further learning and exploration.  

One inspiring example is Sanvi Asaigoli, a Broadcom Coding with Commitment® Award winner at the North Carolina State Science Fair. Sanvi’s project, CASNOVO – Advancing Gene Editing Through Machine Learning, started as a personal passion project and evolved into an initiative aimed at tackling genetic conditions. Reflecting on her achievement, Sanvi shared, “When I won the award, my mind raced to how I could improve my project and expand my learning. This award encouraged me to continue in so many ways and I am forever grateful!”

Raspberry Pi Foundation’s Code Clubs provide youth with out of school time opportunities to engage in project-based learning. These clubs are designed for young people in fifth to eighth grade, offering them the optimal environment to develop the coding skills they need to become digitally literate. Broadcom Foundation shares Raspberry Pi Foundation’s vision - for every young person to have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to use digital technologies effectively. By participating in Code Clubs, young people not only learn to code but also develop the ability to critically evaluate and design technology to solve community problems they care about. 

Coolest Projects is another program supported by Broadcom Foundation, where young coders showcase their projects, ranging from simple games to complex applications. This event inspires youth to push the boundaries of their creativity and technical skills, encouraging them to think globally while acting locally.

In keeping with Foundation collaborations, sponsored partner, Code313 just completed their summer programming that taught coding, app development, drones and more to over 400 students in the Detroit area. in addition, the Foundation’s sponsorship to TGR Foundation, is introducing JavaScript classes this fall. The goal of these classes is to encourage youth to use their newly acquired knowledge to submit projects to the 2025 Coolest Projects.  

Broadcom Foundation encourages all middle school youth to join TGR Foundation and others in submitting projects once the registration process launches early 2025.  

Why Coding Matters

The roots of coding trace back to the 1840’s with Ada Lovelace, a pioneering woman who is recognized as the first programmer. Fast forward to today where coding has become a universal language and women like Sarah Catania, Broadcom Inc. R&D Engineer, can learn how to code in middle and high school and use that knowledge to spark curiosity for lifelong learning. 

Learning to code offers numerous benefits. Paula Golden, President of Broadcom Foundation, notes that “Coding enables young people to become creative STEM problem solvers who can think critically, communicate, collaborate, be persistent, and become experts in the digital world.” These skills are not just beneficial for aspiring programmers; they are invaluable in any career. 

Inspiring the Next Generation 

National Coding Week is a reminder of the importance of nurturing coding skills in young people. It is about equipping individuals with the tools needed to understand and shape the world around them by solving problems and making a difference in their communities. 

Not only this week, but every week, Broadcom Foundation encourages you to find ways to get inspired to develop coding and computational thinking skills. Whether you are a young person, educator, parent, or professional, there is no better time to explore the world of coding and discover how it can empower you to contribute to a brighter future. Broadcom Foundation, Broadcom Inc. and program-sponsored partners will continue to work together to build a future where digital literacy is within everyone’s reach. 


Broadcom Foundation is a corporate nonprofit that advocates for equitable access to STEM education and digital literacy as essential for attaining meaningful employment and becoming productive citizens in a technology driven society. The Foundation promotes basic coding as a critical 21st Century+ skill all young people need to be creative STEM problem solvers who think critically, communicate, collaborate, and will help realize the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations

Broadcom Inc. is a global technology leader that designs, develops, and supplies a broad range of semiconductor, enterprise software and security solutions. Solutions include service provider and enterprise networking and storage, mobile device and broadband connectivity, mainframe, cybersecurity, and private and hybrid cloud infrastructure. 

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